| - prep. 度假無望, 日子自然過得很沉悶. With no hope of a holiday life's very depressing
- 延滯日數 days on demurrage
- 延滯日數 day's on demurrage
- 延長日期 extension
- 延長日期 date of extension
- 建議和徵詢下一次會議時間,日期和地點 Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting
- 建造合同日期 date of building contract
- 建造開工日 construction starting date
- 建造日期 date of built
- adj. 建造金字塔為的是要與日月齊光. The pyramids were really built to last
- n. 開始, 畢業典禮, 發端, 開工, [thecommencement]畢業典禮, 授奬典禮日, 學位授予典禮, 學位授受典禮 commencement
- 開始天黑日班完畢 day off
- 開放日(接待公衆參觀之日, 平時該處不對外開放) day when the public may visit a place normally closed to them
- 開航日期 date of sailing
- 開航日期 date of departure
- v. 引起日蝕,引起月蝕,使...黯然失色 eclipse