| - n. 从收割的根部再长出的新牙或嫩枝, 截根苗, 农作物收割后的再发芽 ratoon
- vt. 从放出气态物质, 除去...的气 outgas
- 从数千申请人中挑选出她来做那份工作. She was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job
- 从日出到日落; 一天到晚 from sun to sun
- 从普通水手做起; 水兵出身 come in at the hawsehole
- 从普通水手做起; 水兵出身 come in through the hawsehole
- vt. 从板条箱中取出, 打开…的包装, 拆箱取出 uncrate
- n. 从枪中射出(子弹) from a gun
- v. 从某些事例或证据中)归纳, 概括出( 一般性结论) from particular examples or evidence (
- v. 从某人处诱出, 探出(事实、 反应等) from sb, sometimes with difficulty
- v. 从某物中劈出一条路来 hack a leg off the carcass 从动物的尸体上砍下一只腿. hack one's way across, out of, through, etc, sth make a path by hacking at sth
- n. 从桶中放出苹果酒. tap a cask of cider
- vt. 从模中取出, 毁坏...的模子 unmold
- adj. 从母亲乳房里挤出的乳汁. milk expressed from a mother's breast
- 从沙坑打出球 Blast
- n. 从河或湖中流出的)支流, 小水流. stream flowing from a larger stream or from a lake (