| - 指针误差修正 correction for index error
- adj. 指陈述等)不加修饰的, 基本的, 直率的 basic or straightforward (
- 按现状(出售),概不保证(维修) as is
- 振后修复 seismic rehabilitation
- 损伤保险制度集装箱损坏赔偿条款损害修理责任 damage protection plan
- 损坏修理 damage repair
- 损坏修理 damage repairs
- 损坏得很严重, 要用很多钱才能修好. The damage was such that it would cost too much money to repair
- n. 损坏的建筑物、 艺术品等的)修复, 整修 work of restoring a ruined building, work of art, etc to its original condition (
- vt. 掐, 捏, 拧, 挤, 掐掉, 使苦恼, 使萎缩, 使消瘦, 削减, 限制, 使缺乏, 偷, 勒索, 诈取, 抢劫, 逮捕, 拘留, 使船抢风急驶, 催马快跑, 夹痛, 修剪, 使感缺乏, 偷 pinch
- n. 排列, 行列, 分类, 评定, 位置, 捣固, 定向, 测距, 测程, 距离调整, 广泛搜索, 距离修正 ranging
- n. 排水器, 排水工, 下水道修建工, 滤干器, 滴水板, 洗浆池, 连续作用疏水器, 放泄器, 排泄孔, 贮浆池 drainer
- v. 接受大手术、 经过大改革、 接受大检修 undergo major surgery, reform, repair
- n. 接受教育而获得的)知识, 能力, 修养, 智力 knowledge, abilities and the development of character and mental powers that result from such training (
- 接杆修树枝剪 extension pruner with additional pole section
- vt. 接触触摸碰到邻接毗邻感动触犯触怒给予影响伤害触动对插一手对尝一口匹敌及得上比得上涉及论及提到影响到损及使带上轻微色彩点缀轻击按揿画写修改润色告借讨钱弄钱偷侵占试在上打印记与相切触诊弹奏触及达到使接触 touch