| - 肺功能分析仪 pulmonary function analyzer
- 肺结核分支杆菌荧光免疫检验试剂 Mycobacterium tuberculosis immunofluorescent reagents
- 肺部分切除术 pulmonary resection
- 肺部分切除术 pneumoresection
- v. 肾脏是分泌尿液的器官. The kidneys secrete urine
- n. 胀, 膨胀, 肿胀, 凸出部分, 暴涨, 突然的增加, 船底边, 防雷护体, 优越, 优势, 非耐压壳体, 凸出 bulge
- 胃蛋白酶分泌 pepsinia
- 胆汁分泌障碍 paracholia
- 胚分裂 embryo splitting
- abbr. 胜者获得10分. The winner scored 10 pts
- n. 胜败双方比分的巨大差数 a wide margin between the winner and the loser, eg a big difference in points scored
- n. 胞外分泌, 胞吐作用, 胞吐现象 exocytosis
- v. 胞质皱缩,质壁分离 plasmolyze
- n. 胞质皱缩性,质壁分离性 plasmolyzability
- 胡乱, 不分青红皂白地 at a promiscuous manner
- 胡敏酸馏分 fraction of humic acid