  • n.  这台机器可发声脉冲信号.   The machine emits sound pulses
  • v.  这台泵通过这个阀门把(容器中的)空气抽.   through this valve
  • adj.  这场比赛就能看谁行谁不行.   The match will show who is the superior player
  • adj.  这场演正在进行实况转播.   This show is going out live
  • n.  这块地毯已经脏得辨认不原来的颜色了.   you couldn't tell its original colour
  • n.  这完全看不出像马.   It looks nothing like a horse
  • v.  这家人彼此相像之处, 一眼就能看来.   The family likeness really hits you, ie is very noticeable
  • n.  这家公司国内市场很大, 不做口生意.   but doesn't export
  •   这对双胞胎长得可真像, 我都分不谁是谁了.   The twins are so much alike that I can't tell which is which, ie can't distinguish one from the other
  • v.  这对夫妇把富裕的钱都拿来帮助那些受难的人.   The couple forfeited their independence in order to help those less fortunate
  • v.  这对孪生儿长得很像, 无人能分辨谁是谁.   The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other
  • n.  这小巷有车胎轧的凹痕.   The lane was rutted with tyre tracks
  • n.  这并不[不太]出奇   hardly surprising
  • n.  这座工厂排的化学物质改变了整个地区的生态.   Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area
  • n.  这座建筑物以每年 3000 英镑的租金租.   The building rents at 3000 a year
  • n.  这张快照印来不太清楚.   This snapshot hasn't printed very well