| - n. 缓刑, 检验, 验证, 鉴定, 考验, 见习, 试用, 试读期, 察看, 试用期, 考验期, 查验, 证明 probation
- n. 缓和, 适度, 温和, 慢化, 减速, 延时作用, 节制, 牛津大学文学士学位第一次考试, 减轻, 克制力 moderation
- v. 老师替他报名参加考试. The teacher entered him for the examination
- 考(某人)在某一学科上所具有的知识 examine in
- 考(某人)在某一问题上所具有的知识 examine on
- v. 考, 测验(某人) test the knowledge or ability of sb by written or oralquestions
- v. 考上学校、 学院、 大学等 enter a school, college, university, etc
- 考伯式热风炉 cowper stove
- 考克饶夫特瓦尔顿实验 cockcroft walton experiment
- 考利基电子管 Coolidge tube
- n. 考包(尼日利亚辅币名, 100考包= 1奈拉). unit of money in Nigeria; 100th part of a naira
- n. 考古场地上的挖掘者 excavators on an archaeological site
- n. 考古学, 古物学, 古代史, 文化遗物, 古迹, 古物 archaeology
- n. 考古学, 考古学(亦作archaeology) archeology
- adj. 考古学家在发掘地最下层找到一些金币和陶器. The archaeologists found gold coins and pottery in the lowest level of the site
- n. 考古学家在英国发现了许多古罗马的道路. Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain