| - comb form 她听到那消息大惊失色. She paled with shock at the news
- n. 她听到那消息异常兴奋. rose at the news
- adj. 她告诉我们这个坏消息时脸色很严肃. Her face was serious as she told us the bad news
- n. 她因失业而意志消沉. her despondency about having no job
- n. 她在康复期间做些什麽来消磨时间呢? while she was convalescing?
- v. 她对童年的一切记忆逐渐从脑海中消逝了. All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind
- n. 她很热情, 因而丈夫前妻的孩子很快就消除了对她的偏见. Her friendliness soon overcame the prejudice of her stepchildren
- v. 她感受到难以消受的热情. She felt smothered with kindness
- adj. 她把那消息平铺直叙地告诉了我们. She told us the news in a very ,matter-of-fact `way
- n. 她抢在全国各报之前发表了这一消息. She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story
- adj. 她无法消除内心的不安. She couldn't still her anxiety
- n. 她有许多消遣, 包括园艺和酿酒. She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making
- adj. 她满脑子都是那消息. She was full of the news, ie could not stop herself talking about it
- v. 她的怒气消了. Her anger melted, ie disappeared
- v. 她的情绪由乐观一变而为极度消沉. Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression
- n. 她表现出孤僻与消沉的现象. and depression