| - n. 蹲着的人, 擅自占住者, 在公地上定住者, 牧羊場主, 牧場藉用者, 擅自占住空房的人, 在無主土地上合法定居的人, 蹲着的人 squatter
- n. 身份的證明, 視為同一, 證明同一, 確認, 識別, 證實, 核對, 同一, 等同, 恆等, 符號, 打印, 號碼裝定, 同化, 粘合, 自居作用, 身分證, 認明, 鑒定, 身份證明, 辨認, 證明 identification
- adj. 車輛的噪音對城市居民是永無止境的騷擾. The noise of traffic is a constant irritant to city dwellers
- n. 輪轉, 迴旋, 輪唱, 輪唱的歌, 反復, 曳繩釣, 擬繩釣所用的餌, 居住在洞穴或山中的巨人, 旋轉, 釣魚 troll
- n. 邊境居民, 邊民 borderer
- n. 邊遠的居民, 邊遠者 frontiersman
- vi. 遷居, 遷移, 移民外國, 永久移居 emigrate
- n. 遷往所得稅率較低國傢居住的富人 a tax exile, ie a rich person who moves to another country where the rate of income tax is lower
- vi. 遷移, 移居, 定期移棲, 回遊, 移動, 徙動, 移動, (短期)移居, (鳥或魚的)遷徙, 移往, 移植, 隨季節而移居, 遷徙 migrate
- adj. 遷移的, 流浪的, 移棲的, 移居的, 遊牧的, 漂泊的, 流動的, 移動的, 徙動的, 遷徙的 migratory
- adj. 過離群索居的生活. lead a secluded life
- v. 這一傢在農場已居住多年. The family have occupied the farm for many years
- n. 這些鄰居住得很近. The neighbours lived in close propinquity toeach other
- n. 這封信是寄給房子的居住人的. The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house
- n. 這房子舊是舊了, 但在我有生之 年尚可居住. The house is old but it will last `my time, ie will serve me for the rest of my life
- adj. 這所房子已經幾年無人居住了. The house had been left unoccupied for several years