  • v.  她喘著气好不易才说出了几个字来.   a few words
  •   她容貌不错.   She's not ,bad-looking, ie quite attractive
  • n.  她很易地让奸商敲了竹杠.   She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen
  • adj.  她怒容可掬.   She had a wild look on her face
  • n.  她戴著闪闪生辉的首饰, 更显得貌姣好.   Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion
  • n.  她手提袋里的钱包小偷很易偷走.   The purse in her handbag was a sitter for any thief
  • adj.  她把夜间发生的事向父母粗略地讲了一遍(略去了一些令人担心的内).   She gave her parents a potted version of the night's events, ie an account that omitted anything disturbing
  • v.  她文章中的一部分是从我写的同一内的书中(直接)搬来的.   from my book on the subject
  • adj.  她是个说一不二的人, 决不别人反对.   She's a most insistent person; she won't take `no' for an answer
  • v.  她有父亲端庄的容貌.   She's got her father's good looks
  • v.  她母亲那温柔而宽的性格   her mother's gentle and forbearing character
  • adj.  她的行为太过分了, 我简直无法形.   What she did was so shocking that I can hardly describe it
  • v.  她笑容可掬.   Her face was wreathed in smiles, ie she was smiling a lot
  • adj.  她经历了数周不眠之夜, 看上去脸色苍白, 形憔悴.   She looked pale and drawn after weeks of sleepless nights
  • n.  她花月貌教我一见倾心.   I was thrilled by her beauty
  • adj.  她觉得戒烟很不容易.   She finds it difficult to stop smoking