出Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 从冰箱中取出便可涂开的人造黄油. margarine that spreads straight from the fridge, ie does not go hard when cold
- adj. 从卑鄙动机出发的行动. acting from base motives
- v. 从危险、 囚禁等中)搭救或救出某人[某物] sth from danger, captivity, etc (
- n. 从卷轴上放出线绳、 水龙带等 reel the line, the hosepipe, etc out
- n. 从压力锅中喷发出来的一股蒸汽. an outburst of steam from the pressure-cooker
- 从发出警报到实际发生事情的时间 warning lead time
- 从发出警报到真正发生事件的时间 warning lead time
- v. 从各个不同的方面挑选出或获得某事物 select or obtain sth from various different sources
- v. 从各种参考书中摘出的资料. information culled from various reference books
- v. 从地里挖出(某物) from the ground by digging
- adj. 从基本原则出发的争论 argue from basic principles
- adj. 从她的学习成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩差. in arithmetic and biology
- n. 从山上居高远望, 日出景象蔚为奇观. The sunrise seen from high in the mountains was a tremendous spectacle
- n. 从干线分出来的)支线, 叉道, 小道. minor road branching off a main road (
- n. 从抽屉里取出一份卷宗 draw a file from a drawer
- n. 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来. A fountain of water gushed from the broken fire hydrant