| - 拟修正估价册记录通知书 Notice of Intention to Amend Valuation List
- n. 拼字者(通常有形容词修饰) person who spells (usu in the way indicated by the adj)
- v. 拿, 取, 修, 花费, 记录, 认为, 搭乘, 拿走, 抓, 占领, 获得, 接受, 感受 take
- 持续进修 continuing education
- 持续进修院校 in-service continuing education institutions
- adj. 指人、 态度等)趣味高雅的, 有修养的. having or showing good taste and refinement (
- adj. 指人体)修长而柔软的, 苗条的 tall, lithe and slender (
- adj. 指学生)副修某科. study sth as a subsidiary subject (
- adj. 指家具、 建筑物等)残破的, 破烂的, 失修的 falling to pieces; in a bad state of repair (
- adj. 指损失、 伤害等)不可弥补的, 无法恢复的, 不能修补的 that cannot be put right, restored or repaired (
- adj. 指教士)不属修道院的 not belonging to a community of monks (
- n. 指甲修饰师, 指甲美化师 manicurist
- n. 指船等)被修理或更换零部件 be given a refit (
- adj. 指语言、 手势或装饰)矫揉造作的, 过分修饰的, 过於华丽的 too elaborate or ornate (
- n. 指语言或文字)词藻华丽的, 修辞的, 恭维的(尤指虚伪地) ornate; rhetorical; complimentary, esp in an insincere way (
- adj. 指课程)由独立单元组成的, 分单元的(其单元可由学生选修). composed of a number of separate units from which students may select a certain number (