家Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. (家禽)无尾的,无尾椎的 rumpless
- n. (对大家说的话)举手(举一只手, 如用以表示同意或准备回答问题) raise one hand (eg to show agreementor to answer a question)
- v. (尤指辛苦一天後)喝酒乐一乐, 分发酒让大家乐一乐. by drinking or distributing strong alcoholic drink
- adj. (指人、 人的习惯等)不受大家欢迎的, 令人不快的, 讨厌的 of a kind not to be welcomed in society; objectionable
- n. (指家族、 物种等)死光, 灭绝, 绝迹 no longer have any members left alive
- adj. (指民族、 国家、 统治者)完全独立自主的, 有主权的 fully independent and self-governing; having total power
- adj. (指行为)被认为有害於国家或政府的 considered to be harmful to the State or government
- (没有家具的)空房间 a bare room
- adj. (瑞典博物学家), (瑞典博物学家)林奈的, 林奈氏分类系统的, 双名法的 linnaean
- adj. (生物学家)巴甫洛夫的, 巴甫洛夫学说的, 条件反射的 pavlovian
- adj. (画家、 雕塑家等作品的)回顾展. pay rise 有追溯效力的加薪. n exhibition tracing the development of a painter, sculptor, etc
- n. (组织、 国家等中)幕後实际掌握权力的人 power behind the `throne the person who really controls an organization, a country, etc, in contrast to the person who is legally in charge
- n. (组织、 国家等之)当权者, 当权派 people who control an organization, a country, etc
- n. (英国作家JRRTolkien笔下的)矮人族, (英国作家J.R.R.Tolkien笔下的)穴居矮人 hobbit
- (英国)皇家骑兵团 the Royal Horse Guards
- adj. (英国)维多利亚女王时代的家具、用具、服饰等 victoriana