分Chinese English Phrase:
| - 经常帐资助金新分目 new recurrent account subventions subhead
- 经常开支资源分配工作 Resource Allocation Exercise for recurrent expenditure
- 经济中的)非公有制成分 non-public sector of the economy
- 经济分析部〔财经事务局〕 Economic Analysis Division [Financial Services Bureau]
- 经济效益分析 Economic and Efficiency Analysis
- 经济活动的区域分布 Regional Distribution of Economic Activity
- 经济理论中的整体分析 Global Analysis in Economic Theory
- 经济结构分析组 Structural Analysis Section
- v. 经理只能接待你五分钟. The manager can only see you for five minutes
- adj. 经理工作忙就需要一个头脑十分冷静的秘书. A busy manager needs a completely unflappable secretary
- 经营会计分析制 OAAS operational accounting and analysis system
- 经裁定的夫妇分居(夫妻不得同居但不结束婚姻关系). order that forbids a man and wife to live together but does not end the marriage
- adj. 经过了这麽多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易. It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years
- n. 经过高度训练的士兵小分队 a unit of highly-trained soldiers
- vt. 绑, 系, 连结, tie的现在分词 tying
- n. 结, 束缚, 不分胜负, 领带, 领结, 鞋带, 带子, 线, 绳, 联系, 纽带, 关系, 系绳或打结的方法, 牵累, 限制, 约束, 同数, 同分, 平局, 连系材, 拉杆, 连结件, 横拉撑, 颈枷, 锚碇, 铁路枕木, 轨枕, 连结符号, 低帮系带皮鞋, 牛津鞋, 缘份, 羁绊, 与…得同样分, 胜负不分, 连音符, 卧铺车 tie