  • n.  还可作豢养的动物展览或栽培的花草展览, 常为有奖竞赛. Paintings, drawings, etc are displayed in an exhibition 绘画等则在exhibition中展   A show can also be of domestic animals or plants, often in competition for prizes. *show
  • v.  这一主旋律在该歌剧中不断现.   This theme recurs constantly throughout the opera
  • adj.  这一小群人发了刺耳的喊叫.   A ragged shout went up from the small crowd
  • adv.  这一情况现得很突然, 把我们的计画都打乱了.   This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy
  • v.  这一部分人已从正式的联盟中分裂来了.   off from the official union
  • n.  这不是我的计策, 你去问问别人看是谁的主意吧.   It's not my scheme; try fathering it on somebody else
  • v.  这两块粘合得真好, 几乎看不接缝.   The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join
  • adv.  这两种说法如出一辙.   The two accounts are precisely the same
  • v.  这个主意最初是他哥哥的.   The idea originally emanated from his brother
  • n.  这个党竭力装一付关心工人阶级的新形象.   The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes
  • n.  这个租汽车公司是他们最新的大胆的(合资)经营项目.   business venture
  • n.  这个剧本写得很好, 但演效果不好.   does not make good theatre, ie is not effective when performed
  • v.  这个商店专门售巧克力.   This shop specializes in chocolates
  • n.  这个国家应该主动提禁止核武器.   It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons
  • n.  这个湖的水流後形成一个大瀑布.   The waters of the lake flow out over a large waterfall
  •   这个秘密在老人去世後才说来.   The secret was never told until after the old man's death