| - n. 苏格兰纹章院长官, 司纹章的长官, 里昂(法国城市) lyon
- 苏格兰细纺 Scotch cambric
- 苏格兰西海岸内陆海 Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
- n. 苏格兰语风,苏格兰方言 scotticism
- 苏格兰锅炉 Scotch boiler
- 苏格兰阔格花呢 erskine tartan
- n. 苏格兰高原地方的士兵, 运动员, =jockey, =jockstrap, 斜井矿车防跑车叉, 苏格兰佬 jock
- adj. 苏格兰高地. =>illus at App the Highlands[pl] the mountainous part of Scotland
- n. 苏格兰高地人戴用的无檐帽子, 苏格兰便帽, (帽后有两条飘带的)苏格兰船形便帽 glengarry
- n. 苏格兰高地人用的毛呢的)长披肩. long piece of woollen cloth, worn over the shoulders by Scottish Highlanders (
- n. 苏格兰高地的兵士, 穿苏格兰高地短裙的人 kiltie
- 苏格兰高级条格布 Scotch ginghams
- n. 苏格兰)伺候渔猎运动者的仆人或男孩. man or boy attending sb shooting or fishing for sport in Scotland (
- 苏格兰)地方检察官. public official whose job is to decide whether sb suspected of crime should be prosecuted (
- n. 苏格拉底, 苏格拉底 socrates
- 苏格拉底问答法[对话法] Socratic method