| - n. 煤渣, 灰烬, 熔渣, 炉渣, 未烧尽的煤, 灰烬, 余渣, 灰渣, 矿渣 cinder
- n. 煤渣, 炭渣, 炉渣等(不再燃烧但仍可能有余热). small piece of partly burnt coal, wood, etc that is no longer burning but may still be hot
- 煤炭燃烧器 coal burner
- 煤的燃烧性 combustibility of coal
- 煤的燃烧部分 mash
- n. 煤矿工人, 运煤船, [英](煤矿的)矿工, 煤船船员[水手], 烧碳人, [废]煤商, 矿工, 煤船员 collier
- 煤粉燃烧炉 coal dust furnace
- 熔丝烧断 fuse opening
- 熔烧糊精 torrefaction dextrins
- 燃料层着火燃烧 fuel bed combustion
- 燃料油燃烧器 fuel oil burner
- 燃料燃烧速率 fuel burn rate
- 燃毁燃烧 burning
- v. 燃烧, &, D{burn}的过去式和过去分词 burnt
- adj. 燃烧, 点燃, 灼伤的, 可燃烧的, 燃烧的, 可燃的 burnable
- v. 燃烧, 烧着, 烧毁, 灼伤, 烧, 烧焦, 点, 使感觉烧热 burn