| - v. 奋不顾身的消防队员. fire-fighters working with a complete disregard of their own safety
- 套叠消防梯 nested ladder
- 套叠消防梯 nested ladders
- 女消防员 fire woman
- 她以工作太忙为藉口取消了跟他的约会. she had too much work to do
- v. 她儿子的来信消除了她一切恐惧和焦虑. Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety
- n. 她发脾气很快就消气. Her rages don't last long
- v. 她取消自己的演出是什麽意思? What does she mean by cancelling her performance? ie Why has she done it?
- v. 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊[大吃一惊]. quite a jolt
- n. 她听到自己获胜的消息喜形於色. She was all smiles at the news of her win
- adj. 她听到这个消息喜出望外. by the news
- v. 她听到这坏消息後情绪很低落. at the bad news
- v. 她听到这好消息精神又振作起来. Her spirits rallied on hearing the good news
- v. 她听到这消息时吓得面无人色. She turned a deathly shade of white when she heard the news
- adj. 她听到这消息时神情严肃. She looked pensive when she heard the news
- 她听到那坏消息时极度悲伤. her utter desolation when she heard the bad news