| - 天然药物系列护肤美容品 series nature medicine cosmetic products for skin protection
- 天线串联电容器 antenna series capacitor
- 天线电容器 antenna capacitor
- 天线电容器 antenna condenser
- 天线缩短电容器 antenna shortening capacitor
- 天线调谐电容器 antenna tuning capacitor
- n. 夸脱, 装一夸脱的容器, 夸脱(液体计量单位) quart
- n. 夸脱(液体容量单位, 等於2品脱或约1.14升). =>App 5 见附录5. measure of capacity for liquids, equal to 2 pints or approximately 1.14 litres
- 夹形电容器 clip capacitor
- adj. 奉承的, 谄媚的, 讨好的, 讨人欢喜的, 比本人好看的, 比真容更美丽 flattering
- adj. 女性的嗓声、 体形、 容貌. a feminine voice, figure, appearance
- n. 她不容别人指使她. She couldn't stand to be told what to do
- n. 她与同事们水火不相容. She's at daggers drawn with her colleagues
- adj. 她从容不迫地击败求职的所有竞争者. She defeated all her rivals for the job with nonchalant ease
- adj. 她从容不迫地讲话. She spoke with unruffled calm
- v. 她咽下眼泪, 强作笑容. She gulped back her tears and tried to smile