| - 避让机会原则 Clear Chance Rule
- n. 那位女校长愿意早早到校, 以身作则(为其他教师树立好榜样). an example, ie a good example
- v. 那位领导人命令必须遵守这些规则. The leader enjoined that the rules should be obeyed
- adj. 那是一场公正的拳击比赛(遵守拳击规则). It was a fair fight, ie The rules of boxing were observed
- 那是要遵守的好规则. That's a good rule to go by
- adj. 酒陈则味醇. Wine mellows with age
- adj. 量过的, 慎重的, 基于标准的, 精确的, 按标准的, 慢而稳的, 从容不迫的, 仔细考虑过的, 整齐的, 有节奏的, 有格律的, 诗体的, 有限的, 标准的, 有规则的 measured
- v. 金属受热则膨胀. Metals expand when they are heated
- conj. 金属遇热则膨胀. If metal gets hot it expands
- 钻不规则形的钻刀 bore shaper cutter
- 钻不规则形的钻孔器 bore shaper
- 银行营运守则 Code of Banking Practice
- adj. 间歇的, 突发性的, 痉挛的, 似痉挛的, 间断的, 不规则的, 阵发性的, 间歇性的 spasmodic
- 防火原则 fire prevention principle
- n. 陈旧的口号或原则(很多人认为已不太重要的) old slogan or principle that is no longer regarded by many as very important
- v. 除非有一方让步, 否则罢工很可能继续到圣诞节. 21 (combines with a n in many fixed expressions, where give and the n together have the same meaning as a v related in form to the n 与名词结合构成give + n形式的许多固定词组, 具有与该名词相应的动词同样的词义, 如 give sb a surprise = surprise sb) Unless one side gives, the strike could go on until Christmas.