些Chinese English Phrase:
| - indef det 我们还需要一些. We need a few more
- adj. 我们这些有视力的人不理解盲人的困难. Those of us who are sighted don't understand the problems of the blind
- n. 我们这些训练有素的导游来带你们参观(博物馆). Our trained guides will show you round (the museum).
- adj. 我们那些与世长辞的英雄(如阵亡的士兵) our departed heroes, eg soldiers who died in battle
- adj. 我们那些可恶的邻居 those accursed neighbours of ours
- indef det 我们都吃了一些蛋糕, 我可能吃得最多. most, ie more than the others ate
- n. 我们险些出了严重事故. We only just missed having a nasty accident
- n. 我们需要从消费者那里多得到些反馈信息以提高产品质量. We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods
- n. 我们需要的是实干的人多些, 组织的人少些. We need more doers and fewer organizers
- n. 我们须在我们日常公务中建立一些制度. We must introduce some system into our office routine
- n. 我们首先要把这些旧家具搬走. For openers we'll get rid of this old furniture
- adj. 我们(在财务上)受到一些严重挫折. reverses
- v. 我作了日光浴後, 皮肤有些脱落了. After sunbathing, my skin began to peel
- prep. 我倒不是不喜欢运动本身--而是觉得有些浪费时间. I don't dislike sport qua sport I just think it's rather a waste of time
- 我做我原先的那份工作要带劲得多. Aged is more formal than old and is used of very old people who have possibly become physically weak.*aged比old文些, 用以指年老的人, 可能身体亦衰弱. If one wishes to be polite and respectful, one can describe old people as elderly. 若想客气些、 尊敬些, 可用elderly来形容老人. Ancient and antique are usually only applied to things. *ancient和antique通常仅用於事物. We call ancient something that existed a long time ago *ancient用以形容经历了久远年代的事物 I was much happier in my old job.
- 我全家在此逗留要打搅您, 未免有些过分了. It's asking rather a lot of you to have my whole family to stay