| - 越界; 做得过分; 挥霍无度; 入不敷出; 负债 break the pale
- n. 足球、 曲棍球等)将球踢出或击出球门区的动作 act of kicking or striking the ball away from the goal (
- 足球等运动中的)黄牌, 黄卡(由裁判员出示, 用以向某运动员提出警告). Cf 参看 red card (red1). card shown by the referee to a player that he is cautioning (
- 足球等)(比赛时裁判向球员出示的)红牌(罚球员下场). Cf 参看 yellow card (yellow). card shown by the referee to a player that he is sending off the field (
- n. 足球赛前队员列队出场 a parade of players before a football match
- vt. 跃出...之外 outleap
- n. 跑在前面的人, 跑在外侧的人, 马车侍从, 流出物, 先驱者, 跑得更快的人, 侍从, 辕外副马, 领头的狗 outrunner
- 跑腿, 出去办事 run (on) errands
- n. 跟服务员争吵而出丑. make a spectacle of oneself by arguing with the waiter
- 跟自己过不去, 拿自己出气 bite [cut] off one's nose to spite one's face
- 跨出一条腿; 走动(通常用于否定句) move a peg
- 跨出一条腿; 走动(通常用于否定句) start a peg
- 跨出一条腿; 走动(通常用于否定句) stir a peg
- n. 路, 径, 路径, 通道, 轨迹, 航路, 弹道, 事物发展的方向, (行走踩出来的)小道, 小径 pathway
- 路上溢出物清除装置 road spill removal system
- 路上的急转弯(有出事故的危险) hairpin bend