| - vt. 超出, 超过, 超越, 凌驾, 超越, 胜过 transcend
- prep. 超出,越过 beyond
- 超出...的范围 beyond the confine of
- 超出[过] go beyond
- 超出…; 超越 fall outside
- adj. 超出一般规模、 数量、 力量等的 of more than the usual size, amount, force, etc
- n. 超出人类知识的范围 beyond the confines of human knowledge
- v. 超出或超越(经验、 信念、描写能力等)的范围 be or go beyond the range of (human experience, belief, powers of description, etc)
- 超出极限伸距 outreach
- 超出法律权限的 extralegal
- 超出界限, 过度, 过分 beyond the mark
- adj. 超出预料的严峻形势 more grave than expected
- v. 超出(所允许的、 必需的或合理的)界线 go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisable
- n. 超出(某事物)的范围 not within the range or scope of (sth)
- 超声波白内障粉碎吸出仪 ultrasonic cataract crushing and extracting apparatus
- n. 超微结构, 超显微镜看出的结构 ultrastructure