  • n.  购买新上市股票的人(以期升值後售迅速获利者).   person who buys newly issued stocks and shares hoping that the prices will rise and he will be able to make a quick profit
  • n.  贵族, 贵族政治论者, 有贵族派头的人, 最优秀者, 杰   aristocrat
  • n.  贵族, 高尚, 贵族阶级, 贵族身, 贵族, 高贵, 华贵, 雄伟, 庄严, 高贵的身份, 崇高   nobility
  • adj.  贵族的, 贵族政治的, 贵族气派的, 有贵族气派的, 上层社会的, 仪态高贵的, 赞成贵族的, 主张贵族统治的, 讲究的, 爱挑剔的, 势利的, 不接纳一般人的, 优秀的, 杰的, 贵族化的   aristocratic
  • n.  贷款, 借, 债权人, 小路, 挤牛奶的场地, 借的东西, 借的钱, 贷, (借的)贷款   loan
  •   贸易赤字(进口多於口).   a balance-of-trade deficit, ie when a country's exports are worth less than its imports
  • n.  费用, 食物, 车费, 船费, 运费, 票价, 乘客, 伙食, 捕获量, (租汽车中的)乘客, 旅客   fare
  •   资本-产出增量比   ICOR incremental capital-output ratio
  • n.  赋与肉体, 具人形, 化身, 具体化, 体现, 肉化, 突表现某种品质者, 耶稣之化为人, 赋予肉体   incarnation
  • n.  赌马经纪人提3比1的赔率, 但无人下注.   The bookies were offering odds of 3 to 1, but there were no takers
  • vt.  赎回, 赎出, 勒索赎金   ransom
  • n.  赛狗开始时把狗放的隔栏.   compartment from which a greyhound is released at the start of a race
  • n.  赛跑, 流, 运转, 奔跑, 转动   running
  • n.  赛跑的人每隔五分钟发一批.   The runners started at 5-minute intervals
  • vt.  赠予, 颁予, 提, 呈递, 表示, 呈现, 演, 公演, 介绍, 引见, 举荐, 展现, 表现, 造成, 给, 赠送, 上演   present
  • v.  赠送,提出,呈现   present