  • v.  将(尸体)土葬, 海葬   in a grave or in the sea
  • n.  (屠宰後的动物)分割成大块或在关节处切开   into joints or at the joints
  • v.  (工业、 工人、 人口等)自集中点分散到较大的区域内.   over a wider area away from the centre
  • v.  (工作、 职权等)交予某人   to sb else
  • n.  (工作任务)分包或转包给某人   to sb as a subcontract
  • n.  (工资、 养老金等)与物价等的上涨相联系.   to increases in prices, etc
  • n.  (布、 纸等)的端部或边缘掖好、 叠拢或卷起(使之看不见或固定住)   so that they are hidden or held in place
  •   将(布料)制成衣服   into a garment
  • n.  (幼苗)移植到用尖棒等在土壤中钻的小孔里.   in small holes made in the soil with eg a pointed stick
  • n.  (建议等)搁置, 留待日後讨论.   to be discussed at some future date
  • n.  (影片、 带子、 绳子等)穿过某物置於备用位置   through sth and into the required position for use
  • v.  (待决事项)提交当局处理   to an authority
  • v.  (房子、 地方等)翻修和装饰(以适合中产阶级的人居住).   to make it suitable for middle-class residents
  • v.  (房子等)的所有门窗都关上   Can't you shut him up? 你能不能叫他别再说了? shut sth up close all the doors and windows of (a house, etc)
  • v.  (房客或佃户)逐出(尤指依法)   from a house or land, esp with the support of the law
  • n.  将(所盛之物)倒出   to pour out by tilting