  • n.  该国出口热带水果.   The country exports tropical fruit(s).
  • n.  该大使向白宫提了强烈抗议.   The ambassador made forceful representations to the White House
  • n.  该报告描绘一幅缺乏效率和贪污腐化的可怕情景.   The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption
  • v.  该拳击手因眼部受伤而退比赛.   The boxer retired from the contest with eye injuries
  • n.  该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发嘲笑她的声音.   The teacher got a raspberry as she turned her back
  • adj.  该校自有校史以来未曾现过的情况.   a situation unprecedented in the history of the school
  • n.  该油漆以粉制品形式售.   The paint is sold in powdered form
  • n.  该社区存在种族骚乱, 整个地区随时都能酿大祸.   There is much racial unrest in the community and the wholeplace is a tinder-box, ie violence could easily break out
  • n.  该管弦乐团目前正在德国巡回演.   the Australian cricket team's forthcoming tour of England 澳大利亚板球队即将来英国进行的巡回比赛* The orchestra is currently on tour in Germany
  • n.  该运动外围一些不大名的诗人也表达了这些观点.   The ideas are also expressed by minor poets on the periphery of the movement
  •   详细写讲稿、 会议记录等   write up one's lecture notes, the minutes of a meeting, etc
  •   误动嘴出分析器   malfunction detection analyzer
  • adj.  说不口的, 不堪提起的(因说来会令人震惊或难堪)   too shocking or embarrassing to be mentioned or spoken about
  • adv.  说不出地, 无法形容地   unspeakably
  • adv.  说不地, 非言语所能表达地   unutterably
  • adj.  说不的快乐、 喜悦等.   unspeakable joy, delight, etc