  •   试探他人的反应, 提试探性建议   throw out a feeler
  •   试探, 打听(别人的)意见   sound out
  • n.  试样, 赠券, 预约券, 优待券, 配给票(包括粮票、布票、汽油票等), (附在证券上的)息票, 票, 通票, [英俚](政党领袖提的)候选人名单, (技术)试样, 切片, 取样管, (用于购物的)信用卡, (球赛中的)赌票, (公债等的)息票, (附在商品上的)赠券, 附单, 订货单, 配给票, 配给券, 息票, 商家的优待券   coupon
  • n.  试验性分居(婚姻关系现裂痕时的).   a trial separation, ie of a couple whose marriage is indifficulties
  • adv.  诗中字里行间流露痛苦之情.   References to pain occur throughout the poem
  • n.  诗人在诗中最後一行把愤怒宣泄来.   in the last line of the poem
  •   诘问自己提出辩证   direct examination
  •   话到嘴边; 差点说出   at the tip of one's tongue
  • v.  话已出口, 无法收回.   What is said cannot be unsaid
  •   话音读出器   voice readout unit
  • n.  诡计欺诈恶作剧欺骗骗术奸计谋略卑鄙的手段轻率愚蠢行为习惯怪癖秘诀窍门手腕手法技艺巧技戏法幻术舵手的一班一班差公逗人的孩子俏姑娘犯罪行为抢劫刑期一叠牌小玩意儿小物件把戏花样诀窍圈套(桥牌的)一圈骗局   trick
  • n.  该书将驰誉天下, 这一点甚至在版发行以前就已十分清楚.   It was clear, even before publication, that the book would be a success
  •   该书提了许多重要问题(值得考虑).   The book raises many important issues (for our consideration)
  • n.  该书的前 64 页已印出.   The first 64 pages of the book have been printed
  •   该养老基金在几家主要售股份给公众的公司中均有股份.   The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies
  • n.  该剧将於下月在各地巡回演.   The play will tour the provincesnext month