| - n. 让婴儿胃里的气出来(拍抚其後背使之打嗝). get a baby's wind up, ie cause it to belch by stroking or patting its back
- n. 让某人宣誓後出狱[获假释] release sb on parole
- v. 训练打出强有力的高压球. develop a powerful smash
- n. 训练有素的机组人员设法营救出了大部分乘客. The well-drilled crew managed to rescue most of the passengers
- n. 议会中就政府政策向部长或大臣提出的)质询. interpellating (
- n. 记入, 预约, 登台契约, 记帐, 登记, 演讲座席等的预约, 预定演出契约, 卖票, 挂号, 百页车中存放, 叠箱造型, 预订(票), 预订票的出售 booking
- vt. 讲, 说, 叙述, 告知, 告诉, 吩咐, 命令, 泄漏, 吐露, 断定, 知道, 说出, 辨别, 分辨, 数, 计算, 数说, 责骂 tell
- 讲出姓名, 表明身分 reveal oneself
- v. 讲演人正在谈论政治, 但因听众提出问题一岔开而谈起宗教来了. The lecturer was discussing politics but got side-tracked by a question from the audience into talking about religion
- n. 讲话著, 告诉的人, 出纳员, 讲述者, 讲故事的人, 播音员, 计算者, 点票员, 防空情报报告员, (选举时的)点票员, (银行)出纳员, 讲话的人, 检票员 teller
- n. 讲道(通常指教士在讲坛上做出的). talk on a moral or religious subject, usu given by a clergyman from the pulpit during a religious service
- v. 许可出售酒类的场所. licensed premises, ie where the sale of alcoholic drinks is permitted
- 许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器. Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle
- n. 许多委员提出了使人关注的意见. Various committee members made interesting points
- adj. 设法确保出现某事物 do sth to ensure that sth happens
- 设法走出, 摆脱 find one's way out of