  • v.  解释, 演, 翻译, 说明, 口译, 通译, 认为是...的意思   interpret
  • vt.  解除, 免除, 使摆脱, 使去掉, 除去, 扫除, 清除, 救, 释放, 摆脱, (与of连用)摆脱   rid
  • vt.  解除吸附, 使解除吸附, 释被吸收之物, 使...释放吸收之物   desorb
  •   触发检出点   Trigger Detection Point (TDP)
  •   触点闭合输出   contact closure output
  • n.  触网重发, 租, 租的房子, 租屋, 障碍   let
  • n.  言语中流露愤怒、 不安、 厌烦等情绪   Her pupils often got the rough edge of her tongue when they disobeyed her. 学生不听她的话时, 常遭到她粗暴的申斥. have, etc an `edge to one's voice have or show a degree of anger, nervousness, annoyance, etc in the way in which one speaks
  • vt.  誊写, 抄录, 把...打, 翻译, 把改写成文字, 写下, 记录, 改作, 改编, 转录, 播送录音, 抄写, (用另一种文字)改写, 转写, 改编(乐曲)   transcribe
  •   警察局派出所   police station
  • v.  警察把那个窃贼推搡房子又推进囚车里.   The police hustled the thief out of the house and into their van
  • n.  警察朝人群上方射一排(塑料)子弹.   over the heads of the crowd
  • n.  警察的各种不法行为经调查已揭露来.   Various malpractices by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry
  • n.  警察突然现, 小偷就逃跑了.   The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away
  •   警报信号<在火灾发生时由警报装置发的提醒有关人员立即采取行动的特定声   warning signal
  •   警报发出和解除机构   alarm and trip mechanism
  • n.  警方审问嫌疑犯时提了一连串的问题.   The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect