| - n. 通常为黑色的)方顶帽, 学位帽(某些大学师生在隆重场合戴的). cap with a stiff square top, worn by certain university students and teachers on formal occasions (
- 通用碳黑炉 general purpose carbon black furnace
- conj. 那个东西我喜欢黑 的、 (或)白的或灰的. white or grey
- v. 那个贼偷偷钻进黑胡同里. The thief slunk down the dark alley
- n. 那个黑影向他逼近, 他吓得叫了出来. We shout in anger or to get attention *shout是因愤怒或为引起注意而发出的声音 He cried out in fright as the dark figure approached.
- n. 那些被调查者十人中有七人说他们比较爱吃黑面包. Of those polled, seven out of ten said they preferred brown bread
- n. 那些警察骑著黑色的马. black horses
- 那些黑色的岩石在天空衬托下十分显眼. The black rocks stood out starkly against the sky
- v. 那黄铜制品该擦了--黑糊糊的. The brasswork needs polishing it's badly tarnished
- 酸性铬黑 acid chrome black
- 里弗黑德 Riverhead
- n. 野翁鸟, 黑喉石鸡, 野翁鸟 stonechat
- n. 野酶树, 野生的李树之类, 黑刺李, 野梅, 野李, 黑刺李 sloe
- n. 钨锰铁矿, 铁锰重石, 黑钨矿, 钨锰铁矿 wolframite
- n. 铁青, 铅色, 青灰色, 青黑色 lividity
- 铁黑醇酸漆 black iron oxide alkyd paint