| - 苏格兰威士忌酒; 走私的威士忌酒 mountain dew
- 苏格兰宽顶无沿蓝色呢帽 bluebonnet
- 苏格兰山地常见的(浓雾); [谑]雨; (一种用刨冰加苏格兰威士忌酒合成的)鸡尾酒 Scotch mist
- 苏格兰开士米呢 Scotch cashmere
- 苏格兰开士米呢 cashmere d'ecosse
- 苏格兰式无边帽 Scotch cap
- 苏格兰式牛肉香肠 Scotch beef sausage
- 苏格兰式鸡蛋(外裹香肠肉先煮後炸的). boiled egg enclosed in sausage meat
- n. 苏格兰方格呢短裙, 褶迭短裙, 苏格兰式短裙, (苏格兰男子穿的)有褶短裙 kilt
- n. 苏格兰景色中令人难忘的特徵 memorable features of the Scottish landscape
- 苏格兰格子丝绒 velours ecossais
- 苏格兰混纺粗呢 Scotch mixture
- 苏格兰火腿 Scotch ham
- 苏格兰猎狗. =>illus at App small terrier with rough hair and short legs
- prep. 苏格兰男子在短裙下面穿著什麽? What does a Scotsman wear underneath his kilt?
- 苏格兰男子戴的无边帽. man's wide beret, esp as worn with Highland costume