| - adj. 法令的, 法定的, 触犯法令的, 法律的, 法规的, 依照法令的, 规定的, 依法处罚的, 受法令约束的, 依照法规的 statutory
- 法定违约金 liquidated damages by law
- adj. 法律文件、 契约等中常用小号字体印刷的部分(包括容易忽视的重要细节) into the small hours 工作到深夜. the small `print the parts of a legal document, contract, etc which are often printed in small type and contain important details that are easy to overlook
- n. 法律文件(如财产的契约、 遗嘱等). legal documents, eg deeds of property, wills, etc
- 波恩公约 Bonn Convention
- n. 测试, 试验, 检验, 介壳, 种皮, 小考, 身体检查, 实地试验, 检验的标准, 判断的标准, 押码, 双方约定的电报密码, 见testmatch test
- 海上抵押权和留置权公约 Convention on Maritime Mortgages and Liens
- 海事索赔责任限制公约 convention on Fa on Limitation of Liability of Maritime Claims
- 海事索赔责任限制公约 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
- 海员协议条款公约 convention Concerning Seaman's Article of Agreement
- 海战中限制行使捕获权公约 Convention Relative to Certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War
- 海战时中立国权利和义务的公约 Convention Concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War
- n. 液量或乾量单位(在英国约合50加仑, 在美国约合62加仑). liquid or dry measure, about 50 gallons in Britain, 62 gallons in the US
- n. 温斯利代干酪, 英国产的一种长毛羊, (英国约克郡的)温斯利代尔干酪 wensleydale
- 濒危物种国际贸易公约 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
- 火险契约 fire insurance contract