| - n. 揭电视明星疮疤的记者们. journalists who dish the dirt about television stars
- 摆线式行星齿轮减速机 cycloidal planetary gear speed reducer
- v. 摇滚乐名星与名模儿联姻(如标题字样). Rock star to wed top model, eg as a headline
- n. 摇滚乐歌星往往创出时装的潮流. Rock stars often set fashions in clothes
- n. 摘星 episode
- 摩羯星座 Capricorn
- 摩羯星座 Capricornus
- 擅唱失恋歌曲的歌星(尤指女歌星) torch singer
- 改进型仿星器 advanced stellarator
- n. 救世主, 耶稣, 弥赛亚, 基督, 救星, 解放者, 弥赛亚, 弥赛亚(犹太人所期待的救世主) messiah
- n. 救助者, 救世主, 救主, 拯救者, 援救者, 救星, 耶稣基督, 耶稣基督 savior
- n. 救助者, 救星, 救世主, 耶稣基督 saviour
- n. 救助者, 救星, 节约装置, 储蓄者, 俭省的人, 资助者, 节省者, 节省装置, 节俭的人 saver
- 散布着...的, 点缀着...的, 星罗棋布的 studed with
- 数据中继卫星系统 data relay satellite system
- 斋戒日吃鱼(有些基督教信徒在星期五不吃肉, 作为守斋) eat fish on Fridays