将Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 将(图画、 轮廓等)弄模糊(如经摩擦) eg by rubbing it
- n. 将(图画等的某部)颜色加深(如加铅笔线条以显出明暗效果) , eg with parallel pencil lines, to give an effect of light and shade
- n. 将(地毯、 盖子等)用钉子钉牢. secure with nails
- v. 将(外国人、 罪犯等)驱逐出境 to leave a country
- v. 将(头、 臂)倚著某人[某物]. in a position of rest
- n. 将(头发)梳成分头 along a line and comb the hair away from it
- n. 将(如洗衣机)与水管接通 to water-pipes
- n. 将(如液体或气体)抽到, 吸往, 压至 go in a particular direction by pumping, sucking, etc
- n. 将(家具等)保存在仓库等中 in a warehouse, etc to be kept safe
- v. 将(小说或事件)改编成剧本 into a play
- n. 将(尤指光或水)对准某处 in a specified direction
- v. 将(尤指土地)改作军用 for military purposes
- v. 将(尤指奶)加热至接近沸点. almost to boiling-point
- v. 将(尤指某种族或宗教团体)与社区其他人隔开并作不公平对待 from the rest of the community and treat them unfairly
- n. 将(尤指球)击向空中. very high
- v. 将(尸体)制成木乃伊 by treating it with special oils and wrapping it in cloth