  • v.  这些规是为保护儿童而制定的.   These regulations were made to protect children
  • n.  这孩子要有人督促, 否她什麽也不干.   One has to push the child or she will do no work at all
  • n.  这条规则生效了吗?   Is this rule in operation yet?
  • adj.  这样的行为与她情操高尚的原是格格不入的.   Such behaviour is inconsistent with her high-minded principles
  • adj.  这次的访问与上次大不一样. In US English than is commonly used (not to) 在美式英语中, than使用得较普遍(to不常见)   to last time.
  • n.  这部词典有几项附录, 包括不规动词附录.   This dictionary has several appendices, including one on irregular verbs
  • v.  违反, 违背(规、 协议等)   break (a rule, an agreement, etc)
  • v.  违反, 违背(规、 原、 条约等)   break or be contrary to (a rule, principle, treaty, etc)
  • vi.  违反交通规而乱穿马路, 乱穿马路, 擅自穿越马路   jaywalk
  • prep.  违反法律、 规则等   be contrary to the law, rules, etc
  • v.  违反法律、规、所定条件等   break the law, the rules, the conditions, etc
  • n.  违反社会准的)过失   offence against social conventions (
  • v.  违反规、 版权协定等.   infringe the regulations, a copyright agreement, etc
  • n.  违反规之拼法, 同一字母的不同发音, 同词的非标准拼法   heterography
  • adv.  违反规则地,不正当地   foul
  • adj.  违反议会行为准的(因出言不逊或扰乱秩序)   contrary to the accepted rules of behaviourin Parliament (because abusive or disorderly)