  • n.  世纪的)封臣, 家臣(为国君或领主效忠可受封土地者).   man promising to fight for and be loyal to a king or lord in return for the right to hold land (
  •   中世纪的)游侠骑士.   medieval knight who wandered in search of adventure (
  • n.  世纪的)游方诗歌演唱者.   travelling composer, player and singer of songs and ballads (
  • n.  世纪的)经院哲学, 烦琐哲学.   system of philosophy taught in the universities in the Middle Ages, based in theological dogma (
  • adj.  世纪的)表现出完美的骑士精神的.   showing the qualities of a perfect knight (
  • n.  中世纪的)重骑兵.   mounted soldier with heavy armour and weapons (
  • n.  世纪的)骑士精神(如勇气、 荣誉感、 谦恭及扶助弱小等).   ideal qualities expected of a knight, such as courage, honour, courtesy and concern for the weak and helpless (
  • n.  世纪研究家,古史学家   medievalist
  • n.  世纪科学家希望得到的)炼金药, 长生不老药   imaginary substance with which medieval scientists hoped to change metals into gold or make people live for ever (
  • n.  东和北非的)多岩石的乾涸河床(仅大雨後有水).   rocky watercourse that is dry except after heavy rain (
  • n.  东地区的)小费, 赏钱.   money given as a tip or to help the poor (
  •   中丝锥   plug tap
  • n.  举办的, 用以宣传工商业产品   fair是在exhibition hall或centre
  •   中亚泛滥地森林景观   tugai landscape
  • n.  产阶级, 资产阶级, 以产阶级为主的社会秩序   bourgeoisie
  • adj.  产阶级的, 市侩的, 鄙俗的, 平庸的   bourgeois