| - 要想召集会议什么的, 就要出个通知. If you want to call a meeting or anything, put up a notice
- n. 要想外出度假时, 宠物会成为牵累. Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday
- n. 要我给您寄出去吗?'`不必费心了, 谢谢你.' , thank you.' `
- v. 要把小鸟从网中救出. The bird had to be extricated from the netting
- adj. 要把所有门窗关好再出门. Secure all the doors and windows before leaving
- 要斗出个胜败的两个拳击手 two boxers slogging it out
- 要是他九点出发, 现在该到这儿了. If he started at nine, he ought to be here by now
- n. 要是他做错了, 那也只是出於无知. If he did wrong it was only through ignorance
- indef det 要是你每星期能存点儿钱, 咱们就可以外出度假了. If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday
- n. 要正式提出投诉是有固定程序的. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints
- 要求(作出)明确的答复 demand a clear answer
- vt. 要求, 假定, 以...为出发点, 公设, 假设 postulate
- n. 要求撤出外国军队. demand the withdrawal of foreign troops
- n. 要求本党议员出席辩论并按指示投票的紧急书面通知. `whip
- n. 要求某人(对其行为)作出解释 require sb to give an explanation (of his behaviour)
- v. 要求部长对提出的新法案表态. The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation