| - 装出...样子 put on the appearance of
- 装出...的样子 assume an air of
- 装出...的样子 put on an air of
- 装出...的样子; 看起来象 give the appearance of
- 装出...面貌[样子] strike [put on]a pose of
- n. 装出一副大胆的样子 present a bold front
- 装出了不起的样子, 摆 架子; 耍派头, 摆阔气 put on (the) dog
- v. 装出什麽都知道的样子, 充内行 smatter
- n. 装出吃惊、 悲伤、 患病的样子. fake surprise, grief, illness
- n. 装出有信心的样子来掩饰内心的恐惧 mask one's fear by a show of confidence
- v. 装出来的清白无辜. feigned innocence
- n. 装出满不在乎的样子面对(坏消息等) courageously, pretending that it is not as bad as it is
- v. 装出的事物、 感情等 thing, feeling, etc that is not what sb pretends that it is
- n. 装出真正关心的样子 the simulation of genuine concern
- n. 装在一个盒子里出售的)各种棋类游戏用具. set of different board games sold in one box (
- n. 装尾巴, 嵌入墙中砖石突出部, 屑, 嵌入部分, 尾矿, 下脚料, 尾部馏分, 蒸馏下脚, 尾部操纵, 尾随, 跟踪, 拖延, 谱尾, 纺织品印刷压印中的污迹或其它损坏, 延长失真符号, 衰减尾部, 拖尾, 残渣, 尾料, 嵌入墙中砖石突出部 tailing