| - adv. 表面上他是因公外出, 实际上大部分的时间都是在海滨. Ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of the time on the beach
- 被伴随着; 透露; 说出; 公布 come out with
- 被击败出局者 loser by a knockout
- adj. 被剥夺财产的, 无依无靠的, 被逐出的 dispossessed
- adj. 被动吸烟(吸进他人喷出的烟). passive smoking, ie breathing in fumes from tobacco being smoked by others
- v. 被告的律师说他想提出 案发时被告精神失常这一理由, 为被告不需负法律责任进行辩护. Counsel for the accused said that he intended to plead insanity, ie that his client was insane and therefore not responsible for his actions
- v. 被告被带进来时, 审判室里发出一阵嘈杂声. The courtroom buzzed as the defendant was led in
- adj. 被咒语所镇住的, 被迷住的, 茫然不知所之的, 着迷的, 走火入魔的, 着了迷的, 被符咒镇住的, 出神的 spellbound
- v. 被大车压出了一道道辙印的泥泞的道路. by cart-wheels
- n. 被大雪困住(不能外出) prevent sb from going out by snowing heavily
- v. 被年轻人挤出了就业市场 squeezed out of the job market by younger men
- n. 被忘却、被遗忘的人, 退出一切公开场合的人, 不被重视的人, 没落人物, 被完全忘却的名人, 被冷落的人 unperson
- n. 被抛弃的人, 坐船遇难者, 漂流者, 遭难船, 坐船遇难的人, 光棍, 流浪者, 被抛弃物, 被逐出的人, 坐船遭难的人, 被迫离船而留在陆地的人 castaway
- n. 被挑选出来的人或物 select
- 被捕野兽发出的气味。 the scent of a hunted animal
- n. 被控某事物须出庭受审 /face `charges be forced to appear in court accused of sth