  • n.  法国军队的外籍军团.   the French Foreign Legion
  • n.  法国和许多国际学校的)学毕业考试   last secondary school examination in France and in many international schools (
  • n.  法国童话剧中的角色.   character in French pantomime
  • n.  法国语风, 法语里的习惯片语, 其他语言的法语成语或词句, 法语特有的语法, 另一种语言法语成语或字句   gallicism
  • n.  法国诺曼第人, U形环, U形螺栓, 插入孔用的销子, 诺曼(男子名), 诺曼底人, 诺曼人   norman
  • adj.  法国队开始时领先, 但场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平.   before half-time
  • n.  法庭使用的誓词有固定的格式.   There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts
  • n.  法庭的)律师席(位於法官对面, 有栏杆与其他部分相隔).   space in front of the judge where lawyers sit, separated from the rest of the court by a railing (
  • n.  法庭被告一方的)抗辩, 答辩, 辩护   statement made by or for a person charged with an offence in court (
  • adj.  法律文件、 契约等常用小号字体印刷的部分(包括容易忽视的重要细节)   into the small hours 工作到深夜. the small `print the parts of a legal document, contract, etc which are often printed in small type and contain important details that are easy to overlook
  • n.  法律文件的)规定, 条款   condition or stipulation in a legal document (
  • n.  法语对非英美年长妇女(尤指已婚或孀居者)的尊称)   (French title given to an older, esp married or widowed, woman or to an older woman who is not British or American
  • n.  法语形容词必须在数和性上与名词一致.   In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender
  • n.  法院中的)法官席位.   judge's seat in court (
  • adj.  泡在白兰地中的水果   fruit steeped in brandy
  •   波斯图案中国羊毛毯   Chinese woollen rug in Persian design