| - n. 血友病, 出血不止, 血友病, 出血不止症 haemophilia
- n. 血浆取出法, 血浆除去法 plasmapheresis
- v. 血液从伤口中流出. Blood trickled from the wound
- n. 血球渗出, 血细胞渗出 diapedesis
- adj. 血腥的, 嗜杀的, 非常的, 出血的, 流血的, 血污的, 残忍的, 血的, 有血的, 关于血的, 血红的, 血色的, 该死的, 血染的, 杀戮的 bloody
- n. 行事出於理智而非出於怜悯之情 act from rational motives rather than sentiment
- n. 行伍出身(由士兵升为军官) rise from the ranks, ie be made an officer after serving as an ordinary soldier
- vt. 行动, 举动, 卖空投机, 运输, 送走, 把...驱逐出境, 流放, 充军, 驱逐出境, 按自己的方式举止、表现、行为, 举止, 驱逐 deport
- 行动敏捷些, 拿出劲头来 look lively
- v. 行走, 行驶, 旅行(尤指出国) travelling, esp abroad
- adj. 街上旗帜鲜艳、 彩灯缤纷, 显出一派欢乐景象. The streets look gay with bright flags and coloured lights
- n. 街头剧(在街头演出的, 通常为社会性或政治性的). =>Usage at road 用法见road. street theatre, ie plays, etc performed in the street, usu with a social or political theme
- n. 街道上出现骚乱时投放了烟幕弹. Smoke-bombs were thrown during the street riots
- n. 补救, 赎回, 偿还, 重获, 恢复, 赎罪, 拯救, 履行, 弥补, 救济, 买回物, 赎回物, 兑现, 赎回, 赎出, 实践 redemption
- v. 表明或显出某人[某事物]健全、 不健全等 sth is sound, unsound, etc
- vt. 表演不充分, 拘谨地或有克制地扮演或上演, 出小牌以留, 使没充分发挥作用, 对...轻描淡写, 冲淡...的重要性, 掩饰, 轻描淡写, 一笔带过, 使没有充分发挥作用, 扣着大牌不出而出小牌, 表演有克制 underplay