| - adj. 安息日的, 似安息日的, 周期性休息的 sabbatic
- adj. 安息日的, 似安息日的, 周期性休息的 sabbatical
- n. 安息日(犹太教为星期六, 基督教为星期日) the sabbath [sing] day of the week intended for rest and worship of God (Saturday for Jews and Sunday for Christians)
- n. 安排在一星期中间日子的假日、 会议. a ,midweek `holiday, `meeting
- n. 安装工程需时数日. Installationrequires several days
- n. 宗教节日或假日的)前日, 前夕 day or evening before a religious festival or holiday (
- n. 宗教节日的前夕(尤指斋戒的) eve of a religious festival, esp one observed by fasting
- 实际日常检查工卓 actual routine inspection effort
- 实际日常检查工卓 arie
- v. 宣布定某日为公众假日 proclaim a public holiday
- v. 宣布(某事物)自过去某日起即为有效 is to be regarded as valid from some date in the past
- n. 宴会, 酒席, 节会, 盛宴, 筵席, 节日, 节期, 欢乐, 享受, 赏心快事, 宗教节日 feast
- n. 家庭日益小型化的趋势 a growing trend towards smaller families
- 容许日摄入量 acceptable daily intake
- 容许日摄入量 ADI
- 容许日摄入量 allowable daily intake