| - adv. 身体上地, 按自然法则地, 身体上, 肉体上 physically
- adj. 身体的, 物理的, 物质的, 有形的, 实体的, 自然的, 自然科学的, 按自然法规的, 肉体的, 一味追求肉欲的, (与思想、精神相对的)物质的, 按自然法则的, 物理学的 physical
- vi. 躺卧, 摊手摊脚地坐卧, 平躺, 倒卧, 不规则的伸展, 蔓延 sprawl
- 辛姆拉规则 Simla rule
- 辛普生法则 Simpson's rule
- v. 迅速而无规则地(向某方向)运动 move in the specified direction in a quick irregular way
- v. 迅速而无规则的运动 quick irregular movement
- 过马路的安全规则. set of rules for crossing the road safely
- 近视决策规则 Myopic Decision Rules
- n. 还可作豢养的动物展览或栽培的花草展览, 常为有奖竞赛. Paintings, drawings, etc are displayed in an exhibition 绘画等则在exhibition中展出 A show can also be of domestic animals or plants, often in competition for prizes. *show
- adj. 这一新法则可保障精神病患者享有公民权. The new law will secure the civil rights of the mentally ill
- n. 这一点在英语属实而在法语则不同. This is true with respect to English but not to French
- 这事你若能保密则不胜感激. I'd be grateful if you kept this information to yourself
- adj. 这些规则似乎不适用於这种情况. The rules seem to be inapplicable to this situation
- adv. 这些规则并非放诸四海而皆准. The rules do not apply universally
- 这些规则必须严格遵守. The regulations must be stringently observed