| - 拥有先进技术的 with advanced technology
- adj. 指思想、 观点等)事先形成的 formed in advance and not based on knowledge or experience (
- adj. 指思想等)有远见的, 有先见之明的 showing an awareness of future needs (
- pref. 指时间或职位)前, 预先 before; in advance of (
- 指板球戏於掷钱币中获胜的队)请(对方)首先击球 to bat first (
- adj. 指混凝土)预先浇铸的, 预制的. made into blocks ready for use in building (
- adj. 指特质、 感情等)天生的, 先天的, 固有的, 天赋的 in one's nature; possessed from birth (
- adj. 指疾病等)天生的, 先天的 present from or before birth (
- adj. 指翻译)事先无准备的. done without previous preparation (
- v. 指道路上的来往车辆)让路给有先行权的车辆. allow other traffic to have right of way (
- n. 按时间先後排列的事件 events in chronological order, ie according to times, dates, etc
- n. 按照历史上的先後顺序研究大事件 deal with events in historical sequence
- 捷足先登。 He that runs fastest gets the ring.
- 掌握主动权; 有优先权 have the initiative
- n. 排列程序, 程序化, 程序设计, 定序, 先后顺序 sequencing
- n. 探路者, 控索者, 拓荒者, 先驱, 导航员, 探险者, 开创者 pathfinder