| - n. 蒸馏物, 蒸馏液, 馏出物, 馏分, 浓缩物, 精华 distillate
- adj. 藉下面水流而转动的, 下颚突出的, 下射的, 下击的, 下部突出的, 下颌突出的, 水流从下面冲击而转动的(水轮), 下兜齿的 undershot
- n. 藉口健康不佳而退出 withdraw on the plea of ill health
- v. 藉打破、 撕破、 移去材料或敲击)使(某物)出现, 形成 to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material or striking (
- vi. 虚张声势,冲激,溅出 swash
- 蚀本出售, 贱卖 sell one's hens on a rainy day
- n. 蚕、 蜘蛛或昆虫吐出的)丝. fine soft thread produced by silkworms to make their cocoons, or by certain insects or spiders (
- v. 蛇飞快地吐出芯子. The snake's tongue shot out
- 蜂窝抽出物 honeycomb extract
- n. 蜂蜜, 宝贝, 蜜, 甘美, 甜蜜, 爱人, 恋人, 可爱的东西, 亲爱的(人), 极出色的东西, 妙事 honey
- 蜗杆压出机 worm extruder
- n. 蜘蛛, 蛛形目动物, 蜘蛛一样的东西, 设圈套的人, 缫丝工人, 有柄三脚煎锅, 三脚架, 带有一些向外突出部分的机器部件, 外伸支架, 星形轮, 十字叉, 十字接头, 辐射式紧箍拉条装置, 设圈套者 spider
- n. 蜡制品, 蜡人, 蜡像陈列馆, 蜡制品展出馆, 蜡像, 蜡像制作, 蜡像馆 waxwork
- v. 蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了. The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out
- 融液出口 tap hole
- 融液出口 tap spout