出Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 若揭露出来可能使某人难堪的)秘密 a skeleton in the `cupboard secret which would embarrass sb if it became known (
- conj. 若能稍有把握地说出来, 其实是这样 if anything definite can be said, this is it
- conj. 若非要说出像谁不可来, 我倒认为他略微像他父亲. I'd say he was more like his father, if anything
- n. 苦干了那麽多年, 却拿不出成绩来. All those years of hard work, and nothing to show for it
- adj. 苦闷的, 痛苦的, 表现出极度痛苦的, (亦作agonised) agonized
- adj. 苯乙烯的, 肉桂的, 由肉桂提炼出来的, 肉桂酸的 cinnamic
- n. 英勇, 勇敢, 超凡技术, 卓越的技能, 杰出的才能, 本领, 威力 prowess
- adj. 英国全国最大钻机出口商 Britain's premier exporter of drilling equipment
- n. 英国和美国的)政党的纪律委员(尤指敦促党员出席政府重要辩论会进行投票者). official of a political party who has the authority to maintain discipline among its members, esp to make them attend and vote in important government debates (
- n. 英国国教教区的)教会执事(通常为选出的两名执事之一, 负责教会财务和财产). one of usu two elected officials responsible for church money and property (
- n. 英国在援外方面做出多少贡献? foreign aid does Britain give?
- n. 英国安全局丑闻发生後, 安全问题显得格外突出. The MI5 scandal throws the security issue into stark relief, ie draws attention to its real nature
- n. 英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後, 即将出版一部有关的书. As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book
- 英国政府的绿皮书(提出建议或意见以供讨论的政府文件, 因用绿色封皮而得其名) Green P-
- 英国最杰出的科学家之一 one of Britain'stop scientists
- v. 英格兰湖区的美景给了华兹华斯灵感而创作出他最伟大的诗篇. The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry