| - 船舶进出港管理 Control of Vessels Entering and Leaving Port
- n. 船舷撞到码头发出刺耳的声音. The side of the boat hit the quay with a grinding jar
- 船舷突出斜梁 spur beam
- 船舷突出梁 sponson beam
- n. 船艏伸杆, 滑车伸出架 boomkin
- 船都已出海. The boats are all out at sea
- 船首滑车伸出架牵条 bumkin brace
- 艉膨出部 swelling
- 艉膨出部 stern boss
- 艉膨出部 stern bossing
- 艉膨出部壳板 shell bossing
- 色拉酱(通常瓶装出售). type of mayonnaise, usu sold in jars
- n. 节, 局、盘、场等, 演出期, 诗节, 比赛中的盘 stanza
- adj. 节令性的生意(如出售圣诞卡) a seasonal trade, eg selling Christmas cards
- n. 节疤, 突出, 凸出, 突出物, 突出部分, 结节, 瘤, 日珥, 隆起 protuberance
- 节目播出顺序表, 节目串连 story board