| - n. 比赛中的马临近终点时拉开了距离. The horses were strung out towards the end of the race
- adj. 比赛中的)犯规行为 action that is against the rules of a game (
- n. 比赛中藉挫伤对手自信心以取胜的策略. art of winning games by upsetting the confidence of one's opponent
- n. 比赛中逐渐出现了一些敌对情绪. this game
- n. 比赛中)决胜的一分. game `point, ie stage in a competition when one point is needed to win the game (
- n. 比赛或竞争中)得分相同, 不分胜负, 平手 equal score in a game or competition (
- n. 比赛的最精采场面将在今晚的电视节目中播放. The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight
- 毕生, 整个一生中 throughout one's life
- adj. 毗联式建筑两个住宅中的一个. either of these dwellings
- 毛茛中毒 buttercup poisoning
- v. 毫不掩盖战争中残酷现实的小说. a novel that refuses to romanticize the grim realities of war
- 毫无用处的,不中用的, 游手好闲的人, 二流子 good for nothing(=good-for-nothing)
- 民事案件中“占有优势证据”的原则 “by a preponderance of evidence” in civil cases
- n. 民族优越感, 种族中心主义, 种族优越感 ethnocentrism
- n. 民族精神, 社会思潮, 风气, 性格, 气质, 思潮, 艺术作品中的客观因素, 社会精神特质, 道义 ethos
- 民用全球定位系统信息中心 Civil GPS Information Center