  • n.  毒气(尤指战争用的).   poison gas, ie esp as used to kill people in war
  •   毒物控制中心   poison (control) centre
  •   毒胺中毒   toxic amine poisoning
  •   毒芹中毒   poisoning with water hemlock
  •   毒草中毒   toxic plant poisoning
  •   毒草食物中毒   toxic mushroom food.poisoning
  • n.  比, 比率, 比值, 复本位制金银的法定比价   ratio
  • n.  比喻之使用, 圣经的比喻之解释, 比喻的使用, 比喻的解释, 比喻语言的论文, 比喻语的编篡   tropology
  • n.  比萨, 比萨(意大利部一城市)   pisa
  • n.  比赛一方得的)分数   number of points, goals, etc made by a player or team in a game, or gained in a competition, etc (
  •   比赛原约定打输, 结果反而打赢   double cross
  • n.  比赛双方得的)分数, 比分   number of points made by both players or teams in such a game, etc (
  •   比赛取胜所需的最後一分(如在网球赛).   final point needed to win a match, eg in tennis
  • n.  比赛向某人让分而仍获胜   offer sb advantages and still win
  • n.  比赛中客队轻易获胜.   The match was a walk-over for the visiting team
  • n.  比赛中的动作或技巧   action or manoeuvre in a game