| - adj. 每一百之中(的) in or for every hundred
- n. 每分钟45转的)小唱片. For the uses of forty and fortieth see the examples at fifty, five and fifth. 关於forty和fortieth的用法见fifty、 five和fifth词条中的示例. small record that is designed to be played on a record-player at 45 revolutions a minute (
- indef det 每周推出数以百计的新唱片, 但(其中)没有几张能进入每周流行榜. get into the charts
- v. 每小时50英里的中等速度. a cruising speed of 50 miles per hour
- n. 每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来. every month
- 每次吸收一个中子后所放出的中子数 neutrons per absorption
- 每次裂变后的中子产额 neutrons yield per fission
- 每次裂变后的中子产额 nu factor
- 每次裂变所放出的中子数 neutrons per fission
- 每百中, 百分之... per centum
- adv. 每百中,百分之… percent
- 每秒钟中子数 neutrons per second
- v. 毒害,摧毁,中毒 poison
- vt. 毒杀, 在…放毒, 使感染(而中毒), 污染, 败坏, 使受不良影响, 毒害, 使中毒 poison
- 毒气中和剂 toxic gas neutralizer
- 毒气中毒的 gassed