| - adj. 會議召開的時間必須便於有孩子的女工參加. The meeting must be held at a time convenient for working mothers
- n. 會議召集人, (車間等地的)工會高級負責人 convener
- adv. 會議時間暫定為下星期五下午三時. The meeting has been provisionally arranged for 3.00 pm next Friday
- n. 會議的目的是增進國際間的友誼. The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship
- 傳動中間齒輪 driving intermediate gear
- adj. 傳遞的, 可遷移的, 有轉移力的, 中間的, 過渡的, 及物的 transitive
- 傷後時間 post burn
- v. 倫敦與布萊頓之間火車班次很多. There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton
- v. 倫敦運輸公司在交通高峰時 間增開加班列車. London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour
- 倫敦銀行間拆放款利率 LIBOR
- 估計出發時間 estimated time of departure
- 估計到場時間 estimated time of arrival
- 估計到達時間 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
- 估計在途時間 Estimated Time Enroute (ETE)
- 估計竣工時間 ECT estimated completion time
- 估計途中時間 estimated time of enroute